Tuesday, 20 October 2015



Mass media refers collectively to all media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience via mass communication. Broadcast media (also known as electronic media) transmit their information electronically and comprise television, film and radio, movies, CDs, DVDs and some other devices like cameras and video consoles. Mass media is communication—whether written, broadcast, or spoken—that reaches a large audience. This includes television, radio, advertising, movies, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, and so forth.

       The media of communication is the medium by which a piece of information or knowledge is communicated to us. This medium is the message, which is of greater importance. Because, the same piece of information when conveyed on a printed page or over the telephone by radio, or television will appear different and have entirely a different effect on us. Hence the effectiveness of a piece of information depends upon the medium through which it is imparted. Thus, the mass-media are not only the messages, but also the massage.
Because, it massages the sensory organs and stimulates them to respond actively. Hence, the mass media is very important for class room teaching as a part of the process of instruction. The sole objective is to improve the teaching- learning process with the use of various media. Therefore, the main purpose of mass-media in education is to benefit more students with fewer teachers or to obtain quality education.
In fact, the mass media have become a well of message around the world of today and have entered into all the structures of daily life, h can be used and in fact is being used as a means of education. So the role of mass media in education is gaining importance every day.


1. Mass Media provide information to the mass within a less time.
2. It takes a wide coverage of information regarding anything that is happening in any comer of the world.
3. It brings the entire world to the individual or to the classroom. Children spend hours together sitting in front of the television and can visualize, hear and acquire knowledge about the world.
4. These media easily reach groups, allow repeated use, give more reality, influence attitudes, show cause and effect relationships and ultimately motivate the audience.
5. It sends information to remote places and helps in distant learning.
6. It helps in modification of attitudes, inculcation of desirable values and acquaintance with cultural heritage.
7. Mass media acts as an agency of social change.
8. Mass media are useful for reinforcing group dynamics and interpersonal communication.
9. Mass media as means of communication make ideas clear to children and help them to acquire correct knowledge. They help in simplifying and in giving vividness to explanation.
10. Mass Media make the instruction concrete and stimulate interest and excite curiosity in things.
”Education today, therefore, has a far greater responsibility than it had ever before. It has to meet the demands of a dynamic world which change its character every day. Contemporary education has to be more comprehensive and complete than it was ever before. The role of the various agencies of education like home, society, community etc. has consequently increased, so has the role of the mass media like television, radio, cinema, newspaper increased.” So now-a-day, press, radio, cinema, television, etc. are becoming more and more important in an individual’s life.


 Sometimes, mass media creates misunderstanding among the people providing false and baseless news. Besides, satellite channels often telecast some vulgar programs that damage the moral character of the young generation. People who watch violent films through mass media, commit crimes easily and engage themselves in illegal works. It is true that people regularly exposed to violent media usually grow up to be completely normal people. But, the number of these people is very few because all people of a country or society do not follow or observe mass media. Besides, a large group of people in a society is out of modern technology. 

The role of some important mass

 (a) TV (Television):

 Television is an inescapablepart of modern culture. We depend on TV for entertainment, news ,education, culture,weather, sports—and even music, since the
advent of music videos.

 Educational Program:

Now most of the TV has or is broadcasting or telecasting education program for making talented or intellectual general people or student such as debate program, computer education, BBC Janala, Mina Carton and Sisum Pur for children as well as people can know how to save them at the time of natural disaster those are living in costal area or risky area, even they can learn precaution about earth quick and Suname from TV and Radio.
 Awareness Program for people from TV:
Awareness program is the most important and common program for all TV channel and Radio Sponsored by UNCEP, Save the children, and UN. By the Awareness program, people can make themselves awareness about their social life by watching TV and listening Radio such Family planning, health care and nutituration program for children, mother’s care during the period of pregnancy, and AIDs. BTV would broadcast one program or Drama by the name of Sobuj Chata. I appreciate this kind of program. By that Drama, people can learn primary problem how to solve.
  Cultural program:
Every nation have own their culture. To develop their own culture, there is no alternative way.  For the last two decades Mass media have kept great contribution. TV, Radio and newspaper arrange different types of cultural program to practicing in Bangladesh as a nation of Bengali. Mass media encourage to celebrate like as Pohela Boishakh, receive the Fulgune utshob.
  Self sufficient:
TV broadcasts many training programs and self sufficient program to reduced the unemployed such as Matio O Manush (Agriculture program).  I appreciate this types of program because this kind of program to help unemployed  people to make carrier or start small business by themselves own attempt or afford.

 Television offers lots of benefits to kids, including:
  1. Because of its ability to create powerful touchstones, TV enables young people to share cultural experiences with others.
  2.  Shared viewing gives family members of    all ages an opportunity to spend time together.
  3. Parents can use TV as a catalyst to get kids reading—following up on TV  programs by getting books on the same subjects or reading authors whose work was adapted for the programs.
  4. Great television can teach kids important values and life lessons.
  5. TV can help introduce your family to classic Hollywood films and foreign movies that may not be available in your local video store.

The students can see for themselves
how science has advanced:

(1) Educational television is capable of making available many needed and so far inaccessible learning experiences.
(2) Educational television brings about continuing co-operative planning by teachers, supervisors, learning materials exports and skilful production teams.
(3) Good and effective educational television broadcasts result from the outgrowth of curriculum planning, of content analysis and of the selection of this most appropriate instructional media
(4) It can use a variety of audio-visual aids, motion pictures, film-strips, slides, recordings, drawings, maps and other projected and non-projected aids can be demonstrated through Television. Video-tapes and recordings on television bring us the launching of space rockets, of political and social events.
(5) Educational television brings us a new kind of teaching team into existence.
(6) It can acquaint the children with past culture, history and social life.
(7) It can motivate both children and adults, because not only it is educative but also entertaining.
(8) The televised-lectures are more thrilling as they bring to the listeners not only verbal information and the instruction of the speaker but also the whole of his personality engaged in the task.
(9) National problems like those of population and poverty and illiteracy are often highlighted and discussed over the television.
(10) It plays an important role to play in educating the children on the history and culture of our country. It gives a very good idea of the history of the country by telecasting various programmes through dances, short films on historical places, museums etc.
Thus television plays a very vital part, as a means of mass media in educating the masses. It is a dynamic and powerful medium which influence education. Its effective use is based upon the fundamental psychological principles of learning which apply to all successful processes of learning.

(b) Radio:

       Radio acts as the medium of mass-communication. It is used mainly to
broadcast events to far and wide places of the world. It is also a very
important source of entertainment.

Every day, we listen various talks, discussions and debates from radio. These are extremely important and useful for the students. Especially for the purpose of teaching, many programmes are broadcast over the radio. So radio acts as a great recreational and education force. It broadcasts scientific and cultural facts. It enlightens public opinion. It stimulates curiosity and interests.
The radio has proved a valuable supplement to class teaching and learning Educational broad-casting is comparatively a new experiment and is catching on well. Through school broadcasts, expert leaching in such diverse fields of science, social studies, art, music, languages, politics, current affairs and other areas, can provide information and enrichment for pupils and for the teacher.
The educational programmes are broadcasting by the expect teachers with effective methods which demonstrate new ideas and approaches to classroom procedures. Programmes are especially designed in-collaboration with the experts for different age groups in the schools.

Following are the advantages of using radio as mass media in education:

1. Educational radio broadcasts provide “listening participation” In current history:
In radio the emphasis is on sound, rather than on picture. So many programmes especially for the purpose of teaching are broadcast over the radio and special events and (occurrences in the world are brought from the source immediately into the classroom.
As a part of classroom teaching, an educational programme may be preceded by an introduction by the class teacher and followed by long discussion among students on the subject-matter under the broadcast discussion. A talented teacher may teach through radio for the benefit of the students. So important happenings, elections, inventions, political developments in other countries and other current topics may be heard and discussed in the classroom.

2. Educational radio broadcasts are effective means of presenting music, drama and appreciation:
Radio is also a very important source of entertainment. Various talks, debates & discussions held over the radio are extremely informative and useful. For the school children, different items of the school subjects can be presented in the form of dramatised programmes.
Educational radio has excellence through dramatization, dialogue, musical features and other creative programmes which are not possible in day-to-day classroom teaching. Besides these, school concerts, folk and classical music, drama and discussion programmes of school, local and from other states are sometimes broadcast for listening in by other schools in India.

3. Educational radio broadcasts are team-teaching demonstrations:
The radio also provides opportunity for student participation in various programmes such as quiz competitions, travel talks, plays, stories, development of lessons, projects and work programmes in the form of team teaching demonstrations. This is being arranged by the combined efforts of the best resources in consultation with the specialists and some other subject experts. Subject content, curriculum validity, suitability for age groups and teaching methods are all kept in mind while accomplishing the programme.

4. Educational radio broadcasts enlist the participation of local teachers and pupils:
Well-planned radio broadcasts are presented in such a way as to engage the active participation of the local teachers and pupils. So there should be preliminary study and discussion on the topic before broadcast time. The class may be encouraged through broadcast suggestions to carry on follow-up discussion, projects or creative activities.
The teachers and the pupils both should prepare material thoroughly before presenting the programme. They should utilise all resources possible to make the programme of a very high quality and worth-listening into from the point of view of content, speech, style, audibility and presentability.

5. Educational radio broadcast helps in the long run, to make learning an open system:
Educational radio can offer corrective programmes for self learning by the individuals. It can reach the participants while at work, at play, at drawing room, at recreational centres breaking all boundaries and constraints of formal education. Being an expensive medium, it has reached villages and is now available in very comer of the society.
Since learning directly from the teacher is minimal and there is increasing stress on a system of open learning to overcome the rigidities of formal education, and there is more emphasis on learning through various mass media. Educational radio broadcasts are expected to play an important role towards a system of open learning. The non-formal approaches of educational radio can supplement the movement for de-schooling society. All the programmes lead towards a learning society where everybody can learn at any time at any place.
Radio is, at present, not only one of the popular mass media, but also a potential instructional tool in the formal, informal and non-formal education. It is now giving more emphasis on the planning and production of science programmes in both the formal and no-formal spheres of educational broadcasts.
There are also special programmes for teachers and teacher-education in most of the stations. These are intended to familiarize methods of teaching. These service has been more necessitated in recent years on account of large changes in school curriculum and methodology particularly in subjects like science, mathematics, social studies and English.
Secondary School Broadcasts aim at helping students and teachers by giving up-to-date content knowledge, providing new approaches and methods of teaching. A few non-syllabus programmes are however, broadcast in order to break away from the stereotyped formal education, for doing away with monotony in the curricular topics and also to stimulate awareness and curiosity about the modem world dealing with them ranging from popular science to current affairs.
Besides secondary schools broadcasts, primary school programmes have recently assumed greater importance. This has been done in order to reduce wastage and stagnation at the primary school stage by making the school situation more attractive and interesting.
The radio with its vast resources can organize a series of programmes in order to bring universalization of primary education and promote adult literacy. The programmes are being related to their education, health, hygiene, nutrition etc. with a thrust on bringing the audience into the mainstream of national life.
So, radio is an effective medium. It has occupied a significant place in communication. It is also playing an important role in education. It not only informs, but also inspires. It not only inculcates values and virtues, but also creates attitudes, interests and appreciation.

(c) The Press:

    The Press covers the entire printed matter. These printed matters are books, magazines, journals or newspapers. Reading matter has vast potentialities. It exerts good influence on the individuals. It acts on the intelligence and emotions of the individuals in shaping out attitudes and philosophies of life.
An educated individual one who has an open mind, a general awareness and knowledge of the world around him. His field of knowledge is vast and varied. Newspapers contribute very largely in education for the above end. Press not only gathers events, they also present their own views on issues.
So the reader gets an opportunity to consider an issue from many angles. Press also contributes to the study of History, Geography, Science, Literature etc. The knowledge is supplemented to these subjects by the newspapers.

It is possible to link certain topics with everyday life by means of the press through newspapers and other journals. The child must be aware of what is happening in the world around him.
So the press is an important service that can render to education by imparting knowledge of current affairs to children. News regarding earthquakes, cyclones, new planets and political changes may be brought to the notice of the pupils by the press. It also gives a great deal of historical information.
The pupil’s limited knowledge of history may be elaborated and enhanced by this press. So the press is to serve as one of the important medium of education and instruction.

(d) The motion Pictures:

The motion pictures exercise a great influence on human mind very skilfully. They help to create lasting values in the pupils. There is also wider use of films in education. Educational films are coming into the field to meet the challenge of commercial pictures, to supplement them and to explore new avenues of educating children and adults. These films can give more reality, influence attitudes, show cause and effect relation and motivate the students., Thus these motion pictures have great instructional force which can be used intelligently in the class­room.
There are many areas of learning which can be properly dealt with the help of films. For example, in teaching of geography or science, we can use these motion-pictures. Rivers of India, climate of India etc. can also be taught effectively with the help of the motion pictures.

Advantages of Motion Pictures:

1. The educational films make the concept more clear, durable and realistic.
2. Motion pictures arouse interest in children and satisfy their emotions.
3. They can present abstract and abstruse problems of life and nature in concrete reality, illuminate the hidden meanings of events and mysteries of nature, reconstruct history in a short mirror of life.
4. Motion pictures bring the past, the distant to the class room. It can bring the whole world to the classroom.
5. Events which occur over-days can be made to appear in seconds. So Motion pictures can also be replayed many number of times when and where required.
6. Motion pictures can best be used for demonstration of skills and experiments.
7. Motion pictures can serve the purpose better, if they are made for specific age and ability groups, if they can be fitted into the school syllabus, if the commentary is simple and straight forward.
8. Motion pictures can be of great service in teaching the backward children, because they do act on the imagination of children.
Today, education plays a vital role. It has to meet the demands of a dynamic world. The role of the various agencies of education has consequently increased. Thus the role of mass media as passive agencies of education cannot be under-estimated. Because it has tremendous influence on the attitude and behaviour of the people.

(e) Mobile:

Mobile is the way of faster communication. By the use of mobile, people can communicate in real time and having seen picture between people and can be teleconference meeting from long distance such as from Bangladesh to America without going out both side party from their own office. Mobile is just like internet.

  Disadvantages of mobile phone:

Mobile phone addiction is a big social problem. Psychiatrists believe that mobile phone addiction is becoming one of the biggest non-drug addictions in the 21st century. Along with the age drop of the mobile phone users and the ease of prepaid method provide by the system operators, most teenagers now own their own mobile phone and network service. Teenagers are engaged on their mobile phones all the time, no matter on phone calls, using SMS text messages, personalizing the mobile phones with ringtones and pictures etc. Besides this, many people are running after the lastest mobile phones. New models of mobile phones are released almost everyday. In order to get up-to-date, people tend to change their mobile phones once in a while. These became habits among the mobile phone users causing them to spend unnecessary cost on mobile bills and costs.
Cyber bullying is also another issue among the disadvantages of mobile phones. Cyber bullying is a bullying act using offensive words and behavior via online chatting, emails or SMS text messages. It was showed that the psychological effects of cyber bullying are much severe that face-to-face bullying. This problem now is among teenagers especially the secondary students.
Symptoms caused by the radiation of mobile phones are one of the most argued problems. Many scientists believe that the radiation from the mobile phones may cause the users to have different symptoms such as headache, earaches, blurring of vision and even causing cancer.

(f) Compact disc ( CD )

Compact disc (CD) is a digital optical disc data storage format. The format was originally developed to store and play only sound recordings but was later adapted for storage of data (CD-ROM). Several other formats were  derived from these, including write-once audio and data storage (CD-R), rewritable media (CD-RW), Video Compact Disc (VCD), Super Video Compact Disc (SVCD), Photo CD, PictureCD, CD-i, and Enhanced Music CD. Audio CDs and audio CD players have been commercially available since October 1982.
Standard CDs have a diameter of 120 millimetres (4.7 in) and can hold up to about 80 minutes of uncompressed audio or about 700 MB of data. 

The Mini CD has various diameters ranging from 60 to 80 millimetres (2.4 to 3.1 in); they are sometimes used for CD singles, storing up to 24 minutes of audio, or delivering device drivers.
At the time of the technology's introduction in 1982, a CD had greater capacity than a personal computer hard drive. By the 2010s hard drives commonly had capacities exceeding those of CDs by a factor of several thousand.
In 2004, worldwide sales of audio CDs, CD-ROMs and CD-Rs reached about 30 billion discs. By 2007, 200 billion CDs had been sold worldwide. CDs are increasingly being replaced by other forms of digital storage and distribution, with the result that audio CD sales rates in the U.S. have dropped about 50% from their peak; however, they remain one of the primary distribution methods for the music industry.

(g) DVD ( " digital versatile disc or " digital video disc) 

DVD ( "digital versatile disc or "digital video disc) is a digital optical disc storage format, invented and developed byPhilips, Sony, Toshiba, and Panasonic in 1995. The medium can store any kind of digital data, and is widely used for software and other computer files, and for video programs watched using DVD players. DVDs offer higher storage capacity than compact disc while having the same dimensions.

Pre-recorded DVDs are mass-produced using molding machines that physically stamp data onto the DVD. Such discs are known as DVD-ROM, because data can only be read and not written or erased. Blank recordable DVD discs (DVD-R and DVD+R) can be recorded once using a DVD recorder and then function as a DVD-ROM. Rewritable DVDs (DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD-RAM) can be recorded and erased many times.
DVDs are used in DVD-Video consumer digital video format and in DVD-Audio consumer digital audio format, as well as for authoring DVD discs written in a special AVCHD format to hold high definition material (often in conjunction with AVCHD format camcorders). DVDs containing other types of information may be referred to as DVD data discs.


The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide. It is a network of networks[1] that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as mobile apps including social media apps, the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mailmultiplayer online gamestelephony, and peer-to-peer networks for file sharing.

This NeXT Computer was used byTim Berners-Lee at CERN and became the world's first Web server.
Many people use the terms Internet and World Wide Web, or just the Web, interchangeably, but the two terms are not synonymous.

The World Wide Web is the primary application that billions of people use on the Internet, and it has changed their lives immeasurably.However, the Internet provides many other services. The Web is a global set of documents, images and other resources, logically interrelated by hyperlinks and referenced with Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs). URIs symbolically identify services, servers, and other databases, and the documents and resources that they can provide. Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the main access protocol of the World Wide Web. Web services also use HTTP to allow software systems to communicate in order to share and exchange business logic and data.
World Wide Web browser software, such as Microsoft's Internet ExplorerMozilla FirefoxOperaApple's Safari, and Google Chrome, lets users navigate from one web page to another via hyperlinks embedded in the documents. These documents may also contain any combination of computer data, including graphics, sounds, textvideomultimedia and interactive content that runs while the user is interacting with the page. Client-side software can include animations, gamesoffice applications and scientific demonstrations.

Email is an important communications service available on the Internet. The concept of sending electronic text messages between parties in a way analogous to mailing letters or memos predates the creation of the Internet. Pictures, documents and other files are sent as email attachments. Emails can be cc-ed to multiple email addresses.


The teacher should make all necessary arrangements for using the mass media very effectively. He should select the mass media according to the age level of the students. He must know some general principles of using the mass media.
1. Organisation:
Mass media should be organised as integral part of the educational programmes. They should not be separated from other curricular activities.
2. Selection:
Mass media should be properly selected and coordinated by the teacher. An experienced and trained teacher can select the mass media according to the needs of the students.
3. Planning:
Mass media should be available according to the need of the instructional programme. The teachers should possess skill in the use of mass media. They should have special training in their preparation. So they should be properly planned.
4. Experience:
Mass media should be related to pupil’s experience.
5. Preparation:
There should be adequate preparation on the part of pupils. The teacher should prepare himself before using it. He should know what the mass media teach and where they fit into his plan of teaching. Adequate preparation should be followed by proper presentation and an adequate follow-up.
6. Evaluation:
Mass media should be evaluated at regular intervals in regards to their use, effect on learning and their functions.


         Mass media have proved to help in classifying concepts, stimulating group and individual activities, developing a collective critical awareness, changing attitudes, imposing a new structure or organisation on certain subjects and encouraging originality and creativeness. Therefore, teachers have to be properly motivated and made interested in the use of such materials. And they have also to be trained and oriented in the adequate use and maintenance of the materials.
As we know, good teachers are not born, they are made. Training in the methods, techniques, use of various means and media help a teacher to be good and efficient. All illustrative materials will be “aids” to his teaching. His educational outputs will be optimized through judicious uses of modem methods, techniques, means and mass media Educational research has also proved that instruction can be greatly improved through the wise selection and utilization of modem media of communication.


1. http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/education/role-of-mass-media-in-education-in-india/45260/


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